Columnist Gail Collins desperately wants to convince people that the big Democratic losses in New Jersey and Virginia last Tuesday don't have the slightest thing to do with Barack Obama or his agenda.
Chief political reporter Adam Nagourney modeled the paper's conventional wisdom on Campaign 2009 perfectly, emphasizing all three of the Times' campaign themes: The Republicans won by appearing ...
Coverage of the governors' races in New Jersey and Virginia and the congressional race in New York was dominated by three themes: The Republicans won by appearing moderate; there are deep ...
The last time the governorships of Virginia and New Jersey were up for grabs was 2005, when "stinging" GOP losses meant "President Bush's political standing has fallen." This year it's the Dems ...
ABC's Ron Claiborne on Saturday managed to file a report on vast Democratic corruption in the state of New Jersey and, at the same time, not once use the word Democrat. While reporting on an ...
As usual, the network evening newscasts all failed to point out the party affiliation of the major New Jersey office-holders the FBI arrested Thursday for corruption. As AP pointed out, all but ...
Times reporters never use the term "ultraliberal" to describe politicians, but Steve Lonegan, a former mayor running in the New Jersey Republican gubernatorial primary, was called ...