Media Research Center

Soros Spends More Than $9 Million to Form New Political Money Machine

Three progressive groups merge into the State Innovative Exchange.
Media Research Center

Liberal Media Fail to Report Soros Funding Linked to New EPA Regulations

Even The New York Times, which revealed NRDC inspired plan, didn’t make connection to George Soros.
Media Research Center

Left Turns Rachel Carson into Hero for Children

‘Silent Spring’ author indirectly responsible for millions of malaria deaths, put on pedestal in kids’ books for all ages. 
Media Research Center

Media, Left Try to Put Their Hands on Your Shopping Cart

News outlets hype fears of chemical often found in food items, while lefty eco-, PR groups call for ban.

Behind the Scenes: The Lefty PR Group That Stokes Consumer Fear of BPA

Fenton Communications, the same group that got Alar banned after ‘scare,’ is using media to fight.
Breast Cancer Fund

Lefty Group Uses Pink to Camouflage Green Activism, Attack Business

Media ignore that BCF is really eco-group in disguise that supports Markey legislation to ban chemicals like BPA.

Inhofe Warns TARP Recipients Giving to ACORN, Other Left-Wing Causes

Oklahoma Senator appears on CNBC to explain his amendment to demand bailed out institutions disclose 'expenditures that are not essential to restoring their solvency.'

It's Easy Being Green: Just Listen to Celebrities

Nickelodeon inserts green propaganda into Kids' Choice Awards program.

Govt's 4-Day Work Week Doesn't Work

The media embrace a shorter work week without regard to taxpayers.
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