Paul Ryan

Media Research Center

MSNBC’s Sharpton Rips Paul Ryan’s ‘Dangerous,’ ‘Ruthless,’ ‘Heartless’ Budget

MSNBC’s Al Sharpton was incensed by Rep. Paul Ryan’s (R-Wis.) newly-released budget plan on Wednesday’s PoliticsNation. Referencing President Obama’s comment that “America is a place for ...
Media Research Center

ABC’s Stephanopoulos Asks Paul Ryan if Pope Francis Would Endorse His Budget

George Stephanopoulos must be spending too much of his free time watching MSNBC as he used their talking points to attack Congressman Paul Ryan (R-WI) during an interview on This Week ...
Media Research Center

Big Three Networks Out to Lunch on Benefits Cuts To Disabled Military Veterans

ABC, CBS, and NBC's morning and evening newscasts, which hyped the sequester's "deep, across-the-board spending cuts" earlier in 2013, have largely been silent about the reductions in the annual ...
Media Research Center

CBS Berates Rubio for Opposing Budget Plan, A 'Rare Outbreak of Bipartisanship'

Norah O'Donnell and Charlie Rose predictably conducted a hostile interview of Senator Marco Rubio on Friday's CBS This Morning, badgering the Republican for his opposition to a budget proposal ...
Media Research Center

CBS's O'Donnell Slams Paul Ryan for 'Cut' in Veterans' Benefits

Norah O'Donnell unsurprisingly took aim at Rep. Paul Ryan on Thursday's CBS This Morning over part of his bipartisan budget proposal that he presented with Democratic Senator Patty Murray: ...
Media Research Center

CBS Hails 'True Compromise' on Budget; Hypes Opposition from 'Some Conservatives'

Nancy Cordes heralded the proposed budget deal from Rep. Paul Ryan and Senator Patty Murray as a "true compromise" on Wednesday's CBS This Morning, and asserted that "the reason it's so important ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC's Wolffe Finds Paul Ryan Budget 'Harsh' with 'Absolutely No Compassion'

On Tuesday's PoliticsNation, Executive Editor Richard Wolffe described Wisconsin Republican Rep. Paul Ryan as having put together a budget that was "harsh" and "showing absolutely no ...
Media Research Center

WashPost's Milbank Hints Palin is 'Idiot,' Obama Should Use 'Reverse Psychology' on GOP

Appearing as a guest on Friday's PoliticsNation on MSNBC, Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank cracked that President Obama should use on the GOP the kind of "reverse psychology" that is used ...
Media Research Center

Charlie Rose Wonders If Reported IRS Scrutiny of Liberal Groups Makes Scandal Look 'Less Partisan'

Charlie Rose forwarded the latest liberal spin about the IRS scandal on Tuesday's CBS This Morning. The anchor hyped how the agency apparently placed liberal groups on "be-on-the-lookout" lists, ...
Media Research Center

NYT's Weisman Wonders Why GOP Won't Just Capitulate After Obama Win: "What Are Elections For?"

Times reporter Jonathan Weisman can't believe it: "Republicans in the House and Senate are standing firmly in the way of Mr. Obama’s second-term agenda, with a message that is striking when ...
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