
Dear NY Times: Poverty is No Solace

Norris' 'upside to resisting globalization' may be true, but is little comfort to the poor.

Dear NY Times: Protectionism Isn't the Answer

Lower-cost competition comes from technological advances which alleviates poverty instead of creating it.

Letter to The New York Times

Do people 'deserve' universal health care?

Energy Expert: Poverty Stricken Don't 'Give a Damn' About Warming

Left-wing conference hears that without prosperity people won't try to fix climate; promotes government mandate for flex-fuel cars.

Notable Quotables - 08/13/2007

NY Times: Poverty's a Huge Issue, Though We're Better Off Than Ever; Wealth Redistribution is Centrist Policy

NY Times Magazine devotes 21,000 words to warped economic perspective.

CNN's Roberts: Obama's $162,100 Senate salary 'modest'

Perhaps anchor should announce his earnings along with candidate's reported income.

Are "Cuts in Welfare" Risking Lives of Poor Infants?

Reporter Erik Eckholm finds a familiar culprit for an increase in black infant mortality in Mississippi: "The setbacks have raised questions about the impact of cuts in welfare and ...

Times Laments Denied Medicaid Enrollment for Americans without Birth Certificates

Correspondent Robert Pear insisted a new Bush administration policy requiring documentation for Medicaid has "shut out tens of thousands" of Americans eligible for the program. Yet even Pear ...

World Health Organization Backs Expanded Use of Media-Overlooked DDT

News reports have focused on environmentalist alternatives instead of the most effective method of malaria prevention.
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