
Bozell to Letterman: Apologize Like a Real Man

Attempt to Justify Statutory Rape Joke About Palin Daughter Is Worse Than Original Offense.

Nearly 400,000 Petitions, Thousands of Calls and Faxes to Pelosi, Reid to Demand A Vote on the Broadcaster Freedom Act

MRC's Free Speech Alliance launches latest grassroots campaign to protect free speech on the radio airwaves.

Bozell Challenges FCC Chair Copps To Call On Speaker Pelosi And Leader Reid To Allow a Vote On The Broadcaster Freedom Act

Mr. Bozell reminded Chairman Copps that last summer Speaker Pelosi would not allow a full, fair up or down vote on the Broadcaster Freedom Act (BFA) - which will prevent the FCC from reinstating ...

Networks Copy Anti-Business Group's Press Release

ABC, CBS use Center for Science in the Public Interest's propaganda to scare-monger over food additives.
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