
Media Research Center

Proselytizing for Unions: AFL-CIO Announces Holiday ‘Labor and Faith’ Services

Union group that also represents journalists supplies materials for faith communities to ‘highlight shared goals’ like social justice.
Media Research Center

Piers Morgan Promotes Reza Aslan's Controversial Book on Jesus, Mocks Fox News

Author Reza Aslan falsely claimed that the Gospel of Mark contains no messianic claim by Jesus, but CNN's Piers Morgan asked him no tough questions and instead promoted his new book on Jesus ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC's Hayes: 'Heinous Teaching' for Pope to Say It Is 'Sin' to 'Violate God's Law'

On Monday's All In show, as MSNBC's Chris Hayes rejoiced somewhat over Pope Francis's recent comments about people who have homosexual "tendencies" becoming priests, the MSNBC host also declared ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC's Joy Reid: GOP Abortion Restrictions Are Like Muslim 'Shariah Law'

On the Wednesday, July 3, The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell, MSNBC contributor Joy Reid compared abortion restrictions to "Shariah law" as she blasted North Carolina state senate Republicans ...
Media Research Center

Censoring the "Anti-Gay" Viewpoint

The media elites have never been less interested in objectivity than they are right now on “gay marriage.” They don’t wear rainbow flags on their lapels when they appear on television, but ...
Media Research Center

HuffPo Blog: Religion to Blame for Overpopulation, Environmental Ruin

Along with destruction of happiness, opportunity and health.  
Media Research Center

Obama and the Callous Kanye Culture

Egotistical musicians often exaggerate their political influence, none moreso than the nattering, narcissistic rapper Kanye West. Rolling Stone magazine has posted part of a West song titled “I ...
Media Research Center

CNN Anchor Draws Legal Parallel Between Catholic Teacher's Firing and Sharia Law Stoning

Chalk this one up to the absurd. CNN's Ashleigh Banfield on Wednesday tried to draw a legal parallel between a Sharia Law execution and a Catholic school firing a teacher for violating her ...
Media Research Center

NY Times' Boston Coverage Stumbles Over Soft Headlines and Suspect's 'Jumbled' Politics

Doesn't sound very "jumbled" to us. Columnist Charles Blow insisted that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's "politics seemed jumbled," based on the suspect's Twitter feed: "On Election Day he retweeted a tweet ...
Media Research Center

The New York Times Embraces Social Libertinism at a Catholic College and at the Pharmacy

The Times celebrates with explicit language "a tiny beacon of sexual health resources at the deeply Catholic institution" -- a condom giveaway program at Boston College. Also, a lead story ...
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