Liberal journalists applaud President Obama's unilateral action against the Second Amendment, with ABC's Byron Pitts dubbing Obama "America's parent-in-chief," while MSNBC/Bloomberg analyst Mark ...
In the wake of the Newtown shooting, the networks highlighted President Obama's call for more gun control to rein in violence. However, NBC and CBS on Thursday night and Friday morning allowed a ...
Both ABC's Good Morning America and CBS This Morning on Tuesday covered a big win for the Second Amendment in the courts. NBC's Today couldn't make time for the ruling by a federal judge that ...
An unhinged Chris Matthews exploited another tragedy on Wednesday, connecting the pro-Second Amendment views of Ted Cruz and other Republicans to the shootings of two prosecutors in Texas. The ...
Really? Erica Goode and Jack Healy of the Times claim: "The [NRA] called for a national registry of people with mental illness
-- an alternative that legal experts agree would raise at least as ...
During a panel discussion on Wednesday's NBC Today, the morning
show's regular liberal pundits had a panic attack over Milwaukee
Sheriff David Clarke putting out a radio ad calling on local ...
In a contentious exchange with Eric Pratt of Gun Owners of America on
her Wednesday MSNBC show, host Andrea Mitchell declared that
Constitutional rights, like the right to bear arms, were more ...
Veteran journalist Sam Donaldson says "the thinking of the Tea Party" is destroying the Republican Party, lecturing: "Guys, it's not your country anymore." Meanwhile, CNN's on-air personalities go ...