
Media Research Center

Media Hype Hansen’s Latest ‘Alarming’ Prediction: Sea Levels to Rise 10 Feet

Critics say claim has ‘zero credibility,’ but CBS, NBC, MSNBC, other media call it a ‘bombshell’ from a ‘top climate scientist.’
Media Research Center

Reuters: Humans Could Go Extinct in 100 Years Because of ‘Climate Apocalypse’

Slate columnist promotes massive reduction of carbon emissions, technological investment to reverse global warming.
Media Research Center

No Fooling: Salon Hails Swedish Dictionary’s Inclusion of Gender-Neutral Pronoun ‘Hen’

Liberal media want to know why English can’t figure out pronouns, but just a few years ago Slate admitted Sweden’s move was ‘radical.’
Media Research Center

Media, Lefty Outlets Wrong about “Interstellar” and Climate Change

From national newspapers to niche publications, global warming routinely connected to ‘vague’ new Nolan film. 
Media Research Center

Blame Game: Media Ignore Acting Surgeon General to Blame NRA, Conservatives for Ebola

Conservative senators faulted for blocking Obama’s anti-gun activist nominee for nation’s doctor. 
Media Research Center

‘Snowpiercer:’ A Train Ride Through the Horrors of Liberal Extremism

Liberals see only ‘class warfare’ in this Korean thriller, most ignore villain’s embrace of radical left-wing views.
Media Research Center

Business Insider and Slate 'Reporters:' 'Extremist' Mozilla CEO Akin to Supporter of Slavery

Jim Edwards, the deputy editor of the Business Insider website, and's tech reporter Will Oremus slammed former Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich on the Friday edition of BBC World Service's World ...
Media Research Center

Exhibit 1-18: Slate Magazine Pre-Election Staff Survey

Prior to the 2000, 2004, 2008 and 2012 presidential elections, the online Slate magazine surveyed its staff to find out how they intended to vote.
Media Research Center

On CBS, Dickerson Defends 'Obama Can Only Cement His Legacy If He Destroys the GOP' Column

Wednesday's CBS This Morning set up John Dickerson to brazenly defend his Friday column for the Washington Post's, "Go for the Throat!", where he concluded that President Obama "can only ...
Media Research Center

YouTube? More Like LibTube

New channels sprinkled with outlandish liberal voices, devoid of conservative views.
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