3/9/2010 7:06 PM ET
Concluding a report on proposed soda taxes across the country on Monday's CBS Evening News, correspondent Michelle Miller gleefully proclaimed how such a tax would help fight obesity and fill ...
4/9/2009 10:04 AM ET
ABC segment leans toward engineering human behavior with taxes, neglects personal responsibility for drink choices.
7/30/2008 1:11 PM ET
Segment insists characters brainwash kids into eating unhealthy foods, says voluntary standards 'aren't nearly good enough.'
7/24/2007 5:18 PM ET
CBS and NBC say study associates diet soda with heart disease, despite same study stating data inconclusive.
5/23/2007 11:39 AM ET
From the media's war on obesity to global warming, grilling and picnic foods just shouldn't be on the menu.
4/4/2007 2:57 PM ET
Journalists love CSPI's hype and embrace its extremist anti-food agenda.
1/15/2007 5:08 PM ET
Prices at the pump decrease, but CNN's 'In The Money' still worried about what increases might mean for consumers.
7/12/2006 4:35 PM ET
The Center for Science in the Public Interest, which once campaigned for trans fats, now sues against them.
6/16/2006 2:00 PM ET
Same media outlets that attacked oil companies for success compliment Microsoft, a more profitable corporation.