
CBS Touts Soda Tax As 'Good for Waistline and Bottom Line'

Concluding a report on proposed soda taxes across the country on Monday's CBS Evening News, correspondent Michelle Miller gleefully proclaimed how such a tax would help fight obesity and fill ...

'World News' Shills for Soda Tax to Fight Obesity

ABC segment leans toward engineering human behavior with taxes, neglects personal responsibility for drink choices.

'World News' Promotes Food Police Attack on Marketing

Segment insists characters brainwash kids into eating unhealthy foods, says voluntary standards 'aren't nearly good enough.'

Food Police's Latest Victim: Soda Industry

CBS and NBC say study associates diet soda with heart disease, despite same study stating data inconclusive.

Assault on the Great American Cookout

From the media's war on obesity to global warming, grilling and picnic foods just shouldn't be on the menu.

The 'Consumer Group' That Doesn't Want You to Consume

Journalists love CSPI's hype and embrace its extremist anti-food agenda.

Viewers Get No Holiday from CNN's Energy Price Concerns

Prices at the pump decrease, but CNN's 'In The Money' still worried about what increases might mean for consumers.

Take Food Cops' Advice with a Grain of Salt -- Until That's Banned, Too

The Center for Science in the Public Interest, which once campaigned for trans fats, now sues against them.

Networks That Praise Gates, Bashed Oil Firms

Same media outlets that attacked oil companies for success compliment Microsoft, a more profitable corporation.
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