8/3/2015 10:32 AM ET
Park Communications founder steered clear of interfering in ‘editorial viewpoints and content’ of media investments.
6/11/2015 9:57 AM ET
Government funneling grants to progressive causes through liberal nonprofit.
4/1/2015 10:46 AM ET
Only University of Kentucky skipped as part of billionaire’s
massive funding of higher ed.
2/17/2015 1:07 PM ET
Center for American Progress also received money from
Steyer, Ford Foundation.
1/27/2015 4:19 PM ET
Soros gave $100 million to INET, used it to host a conference to remake the global economy.
10/20/2014 4:09 PM ET
Blog post written by professor tied to liberal billionaire George Soros
8/25/2014 10:50 AM ET
New York Times, USA
Today, LA Times echo liberal attacks.
7/31/2014 10:04 AM ET
Soros-founded Democracy Alliance influences EPA decisions,
report says.
6/24/2014 2:02 PM ET
Media feed into liberal Koch addiction by repeating
Democrat talking points.
4/15/2014 3:29 PM ET
Soros-funded public policy group gets platform on network to link conservatives to terrorists