
Media Research Center

CBS This Morning Highlights California Legislator ‘Under Personal Attack’ for Vaccine Bill

Anti-vaxxers condemn bill as they cling to fears once promoted by the network news media.
Media Research Center

Jewish Journalist Labeled Climate ‘Denier’ for His Reporting, Compared to Hitler

David Rose says online commenters urged his children to kill him, leaked his personal info on Twitter.

CBS: Health Care Debate 'Gets Ugly,' GOP Using 'Violent Rhetoric and Imagery'

At the top of Thursday's CBS Early Show, co-host Maggie Rodriguez proclaimed: "The health care debate gets ugly as Democrats who voted for reform report violence and death threats." In a report ...

Dear CBS Radio: It Isn't Voluntary When Threats are Involved

Dept. of Agriculture country-of-origin labeling wouldn't actually be a choice.

NBC Repeats CBS Piece Challenging U.S. Version of Strait of Hormuz Incident

Are the networks so hard up for good America-bashing stories that they have to recycle something a rival ran five days before?

Americas Big Dam Problem

Networks Ignore Eco-campaign to Save the Salmon and Turn Out the Lights

Hugo The Boss

Media criticize greed of energy executives, but go easy on Venezuelas oil strongman
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