
Media Use Katrina to Lobby for Higher Taxes

Criticism for budget deficits has been replaced by calls for big government

Cutting Taxes One Minute; Raising Them the Next

CNNs American Morning says raising gas taxes might be a better move than cutting them.

Times Cites U.N. Report Blasting U.S. as Cheap

Foreign aid story ignores U.S. charity and socialist aspects of U.N. analysis.

The Understatement of American Generosity

Coverage of private hurricane relief efforts pales in comparison to constant blame game on network news.

Strike one, Strike two

The Early Shows Julie Chen misreports gas prices two days in a row, two different ways.

Trade Secrets

Lou Dobbs Tonight Hides Good News Behind Negative View of Free Market

A Tough Pill to Swallow

Post spins new drug study to criticize drugmakers even though thats not what the researcher said.
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