Media Research Center

Networks Ignore SCOTUS Rule Against Government Raisin Robbery

Supreme Court rules against the USDA in favor of farmers who refused to surrender their crops without compensation.
Media Research Center

Nets Slam Salt, Ignore Contrary Views in More Than 93 Percent of Stories

‘Growing chorus’ of scientists say salt in diet is beneficial, contrary to federal guidelines.
Media Research Center

Ethical Conflict Doesn’t Stop Al Jazeera from Attacking Chicken Industry

'The Stream host Lisa Fletcher includes Humane Society spokesman even though she's personally connected to the CEO.

Time Magazine Isn't Chicken about Debunking Organic Eggs

Breaking from liberal media ranks, newsmagazine reveals organic eggs no healthier than factory ones.

'World News' Clues in on Doubling Corn Prices, Ignores Culprit

Whodunit: Congress, in the Capitol, with the Ethanol Mandate

Networks Serve as Deputy for Food Police

Anti-food-industry group has more food stories on network news than official government agency dedicated to nutrition.
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