It would be "absurd" for Florida Rep. Alan Grayson (D) to apologize for insisting recently that Republicans stand behind a health care "holocaust," MSNBC's Chris Matthews argued on Thursday's ...
Playing out a liberal dream, the season premiere of NBC's Law and Order delivered a plot in which the local district attorney prosecuted a former Justice Dept lawyer for "depraved indifference ...
Taking the "Green Car Challenge" on Thursday night's Jay Leno Show, a svelte Rush Limbaugh hopped into the electric Ford Focus on Leno's track, but instead of driving around the hanging cut outs ...
Tuesday night ABC and NBC joined efforts to undermine the tea parties by smearing them as racists. ABC framed a story around "Obama supporters are now saying" the opposition to him is "driven, in ...
Friday night on HBO, Bill Maher tried to discredit critics of President Obama, including those concerned about his talk to school children, by smearing them as racists ' before he pointed to a ...
Much of the media spent the last eight years ridiculing President Bush's verbal communication and lack of reading skills, but Monday night, CBS and NBC used President Barack Obama's first full day ...
President Obama's experience last year earning fawning press coverage as a "genius" on race relations lulled him into assuming "he can say anything on race and is so smart that he will be ...
Expounding on a formulation he's propounded this week on his radio show in pivoting off Senator Jim DeMint's prediction health care could become President Obama's "Waterloo," in an interview with ...
CNN anchor Rick Sanchez devoted an entire segment on Thursday to his interviews of five "wise Latina" women from his hometown of Miami, including his own mother, about the nomination of Sonia ...
CBS gave only 13 secs Monday night to the deaths of seven soldiers in Afghanistan, but CBS's Sunday Morning should be commended for giving the aunt, of a soldier killed the same day Michael ...