7/14/2014 4:24 PM ET
Fredricka Whitfield put on the kid gloves for Marion Barry on Sunday's CNN Newsroom, and acclaimed the former D.C. mayor as a "visionary." Whitfield skirted mentioning every single controversy ...
4/17/2014 10:19 AM ET
As stoners call for education, networks leave users high (and dry).
4/6/2012 12:13 PM ET
Premiere attacks conservative values and depicts decorated war hero as
secretly gay.
2/6/2012 5:40 PM ET
Liberal historian claims first president started tradition of centralizing government that led to Obamacare.
11/21/2011 11:04 PM ET
Alice Walton, Wal-Mart heiress, criticized by Occupy Wall Street for giving $1.4 billion to found Arkansas art museum.
8/15/2011 4:59 PM ET
Lefty Businessman Spends Millions Funding Journalism
8/8/2011 1:57 PM ET
ABC, CBS and NBC reports complain about the severity of spending cuts, instead of explaining that government debt will continue to grow.
12/8/2010 8:23 PM ET
Clueless journalists seem more concerned about own careers than America's best interests.