
What We Know and Don't Know About Bird Flu

Dr. Elizabeth Whelan of the American Council on Science and Health says its not time to panic.

CBS Rolls Out a Tough Look at Skating Sneakers

The Early Show skates around parental responsibility in look at Heelys.

ABC Shows Why You Shouldnt Drive 55

A week after pushing speed cameras, World News Tonight shows how dangerous it is to drive slow.

What Did Fannie Mae Know and When Did She Know It?

Washington Post reports Raines, Gorelick knew of accounting practices early on, but glosses over their ties to Democrats.

NBC Stacks Deck Against Wal-Mart

Report lists left-wing grievances about retailers health benefits, with no free-market advocates to answer.

Media Ignore Democratic Ties to Fannie Mae Scandal

Papers largely bypass Franklin Raines service in Clinton White House but focused on Enron ties to Bush.

Oops! They Did It Again

NY Times, CNN sling mud at businessman Pickens charitable gift, calling it a controversy even though actions were legal and school benefits from the gift.

ABC Speeds through Traffic Camera Story

Reporter Miguel Marquez adopts governments safety reasoning, ignores the taxpayer money trail.

The Last Days of Disco and Dubai

Fear Mongering about foreign investment should be a passing fad.
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