Another NYT Reporter Smears Nevada GOP Candidate Sharron Angle: 'She Is So Extreme'

Another day, another Times reporter tarring Tea Party candidate and Republican Senate primary winner Sharron Angle of Nevada as "extreme." Jackie Calmes also claims Angle gives Democrats new hope that Sen. Harry Reid will retain his seat.

The same day Times reporter Jennifer Steinhauer called Nevada Senate primary winner Sharron Angle a "far-right conservative," Washington-based reporter Jackie Calmes twice called Angle extreme in a "Political Points" podcast, available at

Here's Calmes telling host Sam Roberts in Thursday's podcast about the primary elections, about 16 minutes from the end:

The interesting thing about the number of women we had in here is that so many of them were Republican. But I guess that's not so surprising when you think that of all the candidates out there in some very crowded fields, most of it's on the Republican side because they see a chance here where they didn't in the last two election cycles to really get elected. It's a Republican year, it stands to be. But on the other hand some of these women are, like in Nevada, against Harry Reid, Sharron Angle has, she's a Tea Party candidate who's given Democrats renewed hope of saving Harry Reid, the Senate majority leader, from what was looking to be near certain defeat, because she is so extreme. So much so that some of the Republicans in the immediate aftermath have started distancing themselves from her.

Calmes again, 12 minutes 40 seconds from the end:

The Democrats generally at first blush on Wednesday morning when the results were in were happy that both Harry Reid, the Senate majority leader, looks newly secure because the Nevada Republicans had nominated such an extreme, Tea Party-type member; and that Blanche Lincoln had survived against an insurgent rival backed by the party's left.

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