AP, Dallas News, WashPo, etc., Lie About Ted Cruz’ Abortion Statement
You’d think conservatives Ted Cruz and Mike Lee are outspoken enough without liberal media sources having to lie about their words. But you’d be underestimating the unscrupulous partisanship of political “journalists."
Case in point: the dishonest reporting of the comments from both GOP senators at the Susan B. Anthony Campaign for Life Summit in Washington, D.C. on March 12. An AP appearing on The Dallas Morning News, The Washington Post, The Huffington Post, U.S. News and World Report and several other organizations cherry-picked and twisted statements from Sen. Cruz (R-TX) and Sen. Lee (R-UT) from the pro-life event.
Here’s what Sen. Cruz actually said: (More after video.)
But when the press was lionizing her [Texas state Sen. Wendy Davis] for fighting for the right to take the lives of unborn children in late term abortions, it was really striking. The pro-life protestors put their arms around each other and began singing “Amazing Grace.” And the pro-abortion protestors began chanting “Hail, Satan.” There comes a point when you can’t make this stuff up. At least it’s truth in advertising. But that is in fact what they were doing, arm in arm, chanting “Hail, Satan,” embracing the right to take the life of a late term child.
But here’s how The Dallas Morning News and others twisted it in headlines and leads:
- “Ted Cruz likens abortion rights backers to satanists in appearance"
- “Calling their opponents Satan worshippers and savages”
- “Sen. Ted Cruz, a Texas Republican who is a favorite of the tea party, said supporters of abortion rights chant ‘Hail, Satan’ to silence their enemies"
The report was slightly less dishonest when it came to Lee, saying, “Sen. Mike Lee, a Utah Republican, said those who support abortion rights favor a ‘culture of death’ and engage in ‘savagery.’”
In an overwhelmingly positive and heartfelt speech that received a standing ovation, Lee said a movement that deems ending another’s life a “right” favors a “culture of death,” and called the abortion procedure savage, not pro-abortionists. (More after video.) Here’s what Sen. Lee actually said:
Well there was a group of pro-abortion protestors. I refuse to call them pro-choice because I think that’s a euphemism that overlooks the kind of savage butchery that they advocate. They showed up at our home in Virginia. A big grey-hound bus full of them and they were carrying signs and they were shouting slogans…
Since this morning, some of those outlets have changed their
reports, but CMI has screen captures of the origninals.
— Kristine Marsh is Staff Writer for MRC Culture at the Media Research Center. Follow Kristine Marsh on Twitter.