Behar Calls for Limbaugh's Firing Over 'Massa' Play on Words
Has Joy Behar run out of things to talk about? Is the HLN host and “The View” co-host allowing producers to select her topics?
On HLN's March 10 “The Joy Behar Show,” Behar suggested it might be time for conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh to go after making certain remarks involving embattled New York Gov. David Paterson and former Rep. Eric Massa, D-N.Y.
“This whole
The comments that offended Behar involved Limbaugh saying
”So David Paterson will become the
Behar, who also thought there was possibly racism in the name given to the shopping day after Thanksgiving, “Black Friday,” questioned the so-called satire defense in this ginned up controversy.
“So does the satire defense work here?” Behar asked. “Because you know when Sarah Palin went after him – when he used, said retarded, she gave him a pass at first because she said well, he's a satirist. Is this satire?”
But even Behar's guest, former Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura, who was promoting his book, “American Conspiracies: Lies, Lies, and More Dirty Lies that the Government Tells Us,” wasn't buying her far-fetched conclusion:
BEHAR: No it's not news.
BEHAR: But he's not taken seriously as a news person, in many quarters of the country.
BEHAR: Not by me either but a lot of people do.
She persisted with her charge and even referenced the song often played on Limbaugh's program created by “white comedian” Paul Shanklin, “Barack the Magic Negro,” which was originally inspired by a column that appeared in the Los Angeles Times in March 2007 written by David Ehrenstein. But
BEHAR: Well, I guess to call David Paterson,
BEHAR: Well because he referred to Barack once as Barack the magic Negro. It's like at least the most insensitive and thoughtless --
BEHAR: No but yes, but he's doing a play on words on like
Behar even compared Limbaugh's use of “
BEHAR: Okay, all right. I mean Imus, you know Imus -
BEHAR: He made a comment, called these girls nappy headed hoes -
BEHAR: And he got thrown off the air. But Rush Limbaugh gets a pass, he's still on the radio, no matter what he says.
BEHAR: So, I'm for free speech.
BEHAR: Uh huh, that's true, he makes a lot of money.
Later in the show,
BEHAR: But, okay, but Jesse, you're not saying that the – what I understood this morning, that the Bush Administration was behind the attack?
BEHAR: But what do you say about that?
BEHAR: Enjoyed killing 3,000 people?
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