Breitbart to NY Times Reporter for Alleging Racial Tones at CPAC: 'You're a Despicable Human Being'

Conservative publisher Andrew Breitbart goes ballistic over phony racial allegations by Times reporter Kate Zernike against conservative author and CPAC speaker Jason Mattera. and Big Government publisher Andrew Breitbart called out Times reporter Kate Zernike by name for suggesting fellow CPAC speaker Jason Mattera had indulged in racial stereotypes in a Thursday morning talk.

On Feb. 18 at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington, Andrew Breitbart called out Zernike for making those allegations. (6:00 in the video)
Breitbart was accepting the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award for extensively covering one of the most "uncovered" stories of 2009 for corruption within the so-called community activist organization ACORN.

"I'm just going to show you what I had to deal with today," Breitbart said. "Kate Zernike of the New York Times, are you in the room? Are you in the room? You're despicable. You're a despicable human being. You're the New York Times here. You came to CPAC to get your prey and here's your prey, Jason Mattera from HotAir and also from Young America's Foundation. This is the headline - 'CPAC Speaker Bashes Obama, in Racial Tones.'"

In her article, Zernike had written this particular criticism of Obama was an effort to win over the "youth vote" through racial stereotypes.

How can conservatives win the youth vote that overwhelmingly went for Barack Obama in 2008? At the Conservative Political Action Conference, apparently, some are betting on using racial stereotypes.

She then quoted Mattera from a CPAC panel appearance.

He then mocked what he described, with a Chris Rock voice, as "diversity," including, he said, college classes on "cyber feminism" and "what it means to be a feminist new black man."

Breitbart explained it wasn't a special persona Mattera was putting on for his audience, but his true personality.

"It goes into that does not express that he used a racial stereotype," Breitbart said. "It is just built upon a bed of lies. It said that he went into a Chris Rock voice. She's the one that correlated his voice to Chris Rock. He happens to be from Brooklyn. He's using his voice."

Breitbart detailed how, being in the news aggregation business, he was regularly meeting with journalists for cocktails and got a steady diet of their elitist world view. But no more, he said.

"But this is what these creeps do," Breitbart said. "I'm sick of having cocktails with them. I'm now at war with them. No more cocktails."