4/2/2010 12:00 AM ET
Does playing a video game based on sexual assault sound like a healthy evening in front of the TV?
4/1/2010 4:16 PM ET
Newspaper finds government spent $1.6 billion fighting 'pandemic' one-third as bad as seasonal flu, ignores media exaggeration of swine flu.
4/1/2010 10:10 AM ET
Magazine continues years of global warming advocacy.
3/31/2010 4:24 PM ET
Cable network continues its pro-regulation, pro-government obesity reporting with extreme examples, lack of critics and calls for government funding.
3/31/2010 2:42 PM ET
CNBC media correspondent Julia Boorstin reports affiliate associations from NBC competitors could seek special considerations from Comcast not to oppose merger.
3/31/2010 12:00 AM ET
HLN and 'View' host says she doesn't hate Fox News host, but doesn't think highly of him otherwise during Leno appearance.
3/30/2010 4:41 PM ET
Media weren't as quick to point out so-called 'vitriolic' rhetoric during 1990s congressional debate over welfare reform.
3/29/2010 4:31 PM ET
'America's Nightly Scoreboard' asks baseball legend about his gaming company, political involvement and views on health care reform.
3/29/2010 2:37 PM ET
Discussion of federal home assistance expansion ignores failure of the existing government program, excludes free-market possibilities.
3/29/2010 1:32 PM ET
CNBC's CME floor reporter predicts if unemployment numbers fall with Census jobs, 'traditional media' will overplay it, send markets higher.