
ABC Medical Editor Calms Down Media's Flu Coverage

Dr. Timothy Johnson tells viewers virus may not be as 'lethal' as feared; calls out overreacting media.

CNN Anchor and Guest Warn 'Pandemic' Could be Like 1918

Dr. Martin Blaser predicts 'likely scenario' like Spanish flu on 'American Morning,' but ignores calmer predictions.

Media Latch on to Swine Flu 'Pandemic'

National news goes hog wild with influenza stories but barely discusses Bush preparations; need for border security.

Obama Attacks Fox News, Tea Parties at Town Hall Meeting

President criticizes pushback from media and tea party participants for spending policies in the name of entitlement reform.

'World News' Tars Smithfield in Swine Flu Segment

ABC correspondent Jeffrey Kofman attacks pork company farm for environmental impact without directly connecting it to the flu strain.

AP Sensationalism: Worst-Case Scenario, Pandemic Will Claim 2 Million Americans

Associated Press story trots out hypothetical circumstances of full-scale pandemic that would claim the lives of about 2 percent of those infected.

Zandi Mongers Panic: Warns Deeper Recession Over Potential Spread of Swine Flu

Moody's chief economist claims global downturn will intensify if flu strain spreads throughout the globe.

Schultz Blames Spending Provisions Stripped from Stimulus for Swine Flu

Claims 'conservative' senators holding up health secretary nomination and rejection of $870 million in stimulus bill are cause for outbreak.

Bankrupt Philly Newspaper Company Paid CEO $1.175 million after Alleged Bailout Request

AP story reveals questionable expenditures of parent company of Philadelphia Inquirer and Daily News.

Fox News' Hume on Swine Flu Hysteria: 'This is Insane!'

Former 'Special Report' anchor blames slow news cycle for outbreak coverage; laments economic effects.
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