
Finally, a Bailout That Makes CNN Skeptical

'American Morning' offers balance, asks questions regarding porn companies' request for $5 billion federal bailout.

GOP Legislators Vow to Fight Reinstitution of Fairness Doctrine with Introduction of Broadcaster Freedom Act

Sen. Jim DeMint, R-S.C.: 'We are not going to allow this rule to be reenacted either by the FCC, by the Obama administration or by Congress.'

Obama Stimulus: $1 Trillion, 600,000 Government Jobs and Few Media Questions

With a forecasted $1 trillion deficit for the foreseeable future, mainstream media hit and miss on just how much government will expand under current proposals.

CNN Highlights Government's Digital 'Snafu'

Gerri Willis reports that the program to fund TV converters is 'out of money.'

Nick's Big Green Hype

Next on Nick: environmental propaganda!

Accuweather's Bastardi: Global Cooling Reason for Putin Shutting off Gas Pipeline

Expert forecaster sees Putin's moves with energy as a power play in anticipation of global cooling 20-30 years out.

CNBC's Goldman Defends Opinion of Apple CEO Jobs' Health

Network's Silicon Valley bureau chief insists Jobs health rumors were without merit and he was 'fine.'

CNN's Gupta: A Surgeon General Who Backs an Obesity Tax?

Obama has tapped Dr. Sanjay Gupta, who warned viewers about the danger of eating iPhones and supported a San Francisco plan to tax 'cheap' corn products.

CNN's Dobbs on Global Warming Hysteria: 'It's Almost a Religion without Any Question'

'Lou Dobbs Tonight' host observes global warming alarmists cherry-pick facts in climate change arguments.

FOX Analyst: Additional Stimulus Needed if Gas Taxes Raised

'Cavuto on Business' guests call increase in federal gas tax 'totally insane,' 'mind-boggling.'
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