
Obama's Chief of Staff Pick a Freddie Mac Alum - Will Media Notice?

Rep. Rahm Emanuel held paid position on troubled GSE's board from 2000-2002, when Freddie Mac was accused of accounting and campaign finance irregularities.

Cramer: Stop Deporting Illegal Aliens to Solve Housing Woes

'Mad Money' host details roadmap to financial fix: bail out automakers, utilize more natural gas, end deportations.

Media, McCain Ignored Key Issues

Conservative values still resonate with the public. Obama ran to the right of McCain on social and fiscal issues, and the media ignored the contradictions to his record.

Dean: DNC Uses Credit Card Data to Predict Votes

Democratic chair says analysts track personal spending to predict voting habits, claims Republicans pioneered tactic.

Corzine 'Not Going to Say Never' to Treasury Position

CNBC 'Squawk Box' host tells New Jersey governor he 'could save the world.'

Dem Congressman: 'Simplistic Notion that People Who Have Wealth are Entitled to Keep It'

Video shows Va. Rep. Moran blasting rich people for having 'an antipathy towards the means of redistributing wealth.'

Balance Too Taxing for Mainstream Media

When they need tax information, America's top news sources often turn left.

CNN Provides 'Election Edition' Exception to Media's Pro-Obama Coverage

'Your $$$$$' co-hosts go out of their way in attempt to balance air time for Democrat and Republican analysts.

Networks Obsess Over Polls, Limit Substantive Coverage

'Big three' cover campaign horse race, surveys nearly eight times more than policy proposals.

CNBC: Obama Win 'Great' for Limbaugh, Hannity; Future Questionable for Olbermann, Maddow

Co-hosts of 'Squawk Box' discuss the future of 'incendiary' cable shows.
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