
Consulting a 'Crook' and Ordinary People, CNN Beats Up the Street

'Fall of the Fat Cats' special scrutinizes personal spending and compensation of Wall Street.

CNN Analyst: Legalized Prostitution Could Help Economy

Sunny Hostin says lawful prostitution more beneficial to San Francisco than decriminalization.

Morning Show Cans Food Companies for 'Shrinking' Products

'Early Show' sources say they were 'duped' and blame companies using 'sneaky' tactics.

Financial Times Highlights Ethanol 'Bubble'

British publication does what U.S. media won't, connects high prices to government-mandated biofuel.

Lax Bond Rating Standards: 'It Could Be Structured By Cows and We Would Rate It'

Evidence shows instant message between two Standard & Poor's employees with no regard for risk.

CNBC Host: Financial Distress Caused by Government, Not Markets

Caruso-Cabrera blames ratings agency 'oligopoly' for turmoil, proposes free-market solution.

CNN's Roberts Questions Treasury Secretary's Motives

Network poll gives Paulson low approval numbers, 'American Morning' cites liberal Soros in criticism.

Media Defend Obama Against 'Socialism' Charge

Broadcast and cable pundits decry socialist labeling of candidate's tax proposal, yet haven't offered alternative definitions.

Media Drink Obama's 8 Years Old Kool-Aid

Rather than investigate the candidate's relationship with William Ayers, establishment media are just repeating the campaign's talking points.

Maddow Claims Obama 'Socialist' Label is 'Racially Divisive'

Liberal MSNBC host says McCain-Palin critique of wealth redistribution tax plan an effort to 'summon and stoke' the Bradley Effect.
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