
Knock Out: CNBC Confirms Lehman CEO Punched at Gym

Network verifies reports Richard Fuld was attacked for financial institution's bankruptcy.

'60 Minutes' Blames Crisis on Credit Swaps, Ignores Subprime Defaults

CBS's Kroft attacks traders, misses how overleveraging was real cause of financial turmoil.

Sen. Kerry: GOP Used Pelosi as Excuse to 'Screw the Guy on Main Street'

Former Democratic presidential nominee blasts House Republicans for blocking $700 billion bailout legislation.

CBS's 'Dangerous' Medicine Reporting Hard to Swallow

'Early Show' discusses new FDA regulations for cough medicine; excludes business perspective.

Time Cover Highlights Depression, But Story Downplays Threat

Editor Stengel talks up danger of 'New Hard Times' on MSNBC while article does not say 'Great Depression 2.0' can be prevented.

'Nightly News' Praises Mayor Who Put 'City on a Diet'

NBC segment endorses Oklahoma City plan to spend tax money on physical fitness.

Bailout 'So Bad' Even French Want to Copy It, Says European Investor

Hugh Hendry, CIO of Eclectica Asset, blasts Senate bill; warns government must buy banks to avert Depression.

Time Warp: Magazine Award Finalist for Offensive Iwo Jima Cover

Magazine editors honor global warming image that angered veterans.

CNBC Anchors Question 'Crap' Added to Senate Bailout Bill

'The Call' co-host Melissa Francis finds appropriate term for 'tax extenders' added to Senate bailout legislation.

'Evening News' Blames U.S. Economy for Reno's 'Tent City'

CBS's series highlights worst-case, hard-luck situation to show financial mess hitting home.
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