
O'Donnell Calls Senate Bailout Bill a Decorated 'Christmas Tree'

MSNBC chief Washington correspondent questions funding for alternative energy projects in rescue legislation.

Despite Media 'Mythmaking,' Capitalism Didn't Fail

Free-market economists blame government actions taken during Carter, Clinton for financial crisis.

CNN Reporter: Pollsters 'Perplexed' by Bailout Opposition

Correspondent suggests new strategy - using 'Main Street Bailout' in lieu of 'Wall Street Bailout.'

Cramer: Bailout Opponents 'Don't Know What They're Talking About'

CNBC host says economic experts calling for patience and calm in rescue package would bring about Great Depression II.

Couric on Bailout Defeat: 'What in the World Are You People Doing?'

'CBS Evening News' anchor cites Warren Buffett with over-the-top questioning of House Minority Leader.

McCain Adviser: Treasury Doesn't Need Congress for Bailout

Holtz-Eakin claims law already allows for $700 billion bailout without congressional authority; CNBC's Burnett disputes claim.

Billion-Dollar Fund Manager Predicts Dow 5,000, Gold $2,000

Prudent Bear Funds director advises viewers of Bloomberg TV to move out of equities, into safer investments.

Bartiromo Says Bailout 'Not About Wall Street Firm'

CNBC host suggest Treasury secretary explain how bailout would help average Americans.

Cramer: Don't Buy Until Dow Hits 8,200

'Mad Money' host blames on politicians, policy makers for not heeding his infamous 2007 rant.

Government Bailout Profit a Myth, Says Merrill Lynch Economist

CNBC analyst cites IMF report and explains history of banking crises show they cost 13 percent of GDP.
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