
Are Ecofriendly Homes the New Prada?

New York Times predicts future bragging rights at dinner parties will consist of how 'green' your home is.

Newsweek: Anti-Drilling Obama 'More in Touch with Voters' on Energy

Fineman cites poll findings: Obama ahead of McCain by 14 percent on 'energy,' but other polls show a majority of Americans favor drilling offshore and in ANWR.

ABC, NBC Claim Link between Iowa Floods and Global Warming

Networks cite NOAA scientist making flood and climate change connection, although he's been making those claims for 13 years.

Lou Dobbs: Bush Should Be Impeached for Salmonella Outbreak

CNN host says leadership in 'sorry condition' and inability to 'protect the American consumer' is 'sufficient reason to impeach a president.'

CBS Blames Economy for High School's Pregnancy 'Boom'

'Evening News' links story of 17 expectant teens to 'economic depression.' Pulls Story Making Quake/Climate Link Claim

Site says it's AP, AP says it isn't ours; story identical to 'ubercrackpot' scientist's press release.

'Super Size Me' Rebuttal: Man Loses 86 Pounds on All-McDonald's Diet

'Good Morning America' segment features Virginia man who proved fast-food restaurant diets don't only result in weight gain and health problems.

Dobbs Blasts 'Intellectually Challenged' FDA Again

Reporting on the FDA's salmonella response for a second time, host once again flexes his protectionist and xenophobic arm.

'Evening News' Attacks 'Controversial' $200 Burger

CBS refers to Burger King offering as 'grotesque on a bun' and cites left-wing advocacy group, but downplays that fact that proceeds go to charity.

CNN Brings Negative View to 'Issue #1': The Economy

New mid-day show struggles to present economic news fairly, falls into same traps as other biased media.
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