
Smoking Drug Chantix Blamed for Problems in Supposed 'Human Drug Experiment'

ABC News slams the VA and Pfizer for distributing a drug to veterans to help them quit smoking.

Professor: Gore Needs to 'Slim Down' for Environment

Claims nation's added weight equals 42 million extra people, drains resources, makes climate worse.

'World News:' Banks 'Deceived' Borrowers into Overextending Themselves

ABC segment accuses lenders of preying on homeowners, giving borrowers a pass on personal responsibility.

CBS Labels Legitimate Oil Futures Exchange a 'Dark Market'

'Evening News' blasts overseas commodity exchanges for being 'virtually unregulated' and ignores the drilling solution to curb speculation in the oil market.

Dobbs Blames 'Moronic' Salmonella Response on President Bush and 'His FDA'

CNN's resident protectionist rails against the FDA for handling of tomato issue, calling its leaders 'incompetents.'

Meteorologist Says Money Behind Warming Alarmism 'Can Corrupt Anybody'

Cullen adversary argues he knows only one broadcast meteorologist who is 'on the global warming bandwagon.'

CBS Praises Oil Company for $50 Million in College Aid

'Evening News' segment praises Murphy Oil for providing college funding for high school graduates of Arkansas town.

Forget Facts, Media Sell Same-Sex 'Marriage' with Emotion

The societal ramifications offer our friends in the press quite a lot to write about, if they'd just take off those party hats.

CNN: Economist Predicts 'Game Over' Because of Rising Oil Costs

'Your $$$$$' discusses impact of high oil prices and 'biggest fear' that prices will drop.

Cramer: 'Come on Man, Let Them Drill'

CNBC 'Mad Money' host lashes out at politicians for touting a 'windfall profits' tax and for not drilling domestically.
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