
Fineman: 'Just Like the Dollar is Weak, American Media is Weak'

Newsweek senior Washington correspondent notes globalization of press has led to a weaker American mainstream media.

ABC: Gas Tax Break 'Great Politics, but Apparently Terrible Economics'

'World News' reports proposed gas tax holiday supported by Clinton and McCain is bad for consumers and the environment.

Weather Channel's Cullen Hopes to Push Global Warming Agenda on

Network's 'Forecast Earth' host calls for use of Web to project the effects of climate change into the future.

CBS Calls Fidel Castro 'Revolutionary Hero,' Touts Brother's Reforms as 'New Era'

'Early Show' reports changes in Cuba as milestone toward liberalization, but restricted Communist economy remains.

After Positive GDP Growth, 'Nightly News' Unveils Negative Craigslist Indicator

CNBC's Burnett answers unexpectedly positive GDP numbers with a new economic measure.

NPR President: Climate Change to Make LA Traffic Even Worse

Kevin Klose tells global warming forum the U.S. must brace for 100 million more people and crowded roads.

Media Side with Anti-Coal Environmentalists Despite Urgent Power Needs

Reports on the industry assume coal is bad because of CO2 emissions and rely heavily on left-wing eco groups.

Couric: 'Incredible Shrinking Rebate' May Not Be Enough

CBS reports food and energy inflation will nullify the effects of 'stimulus,' while credit cards will do well.
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