
Ethanol Being Blamed for Global Food Riots

New York Times columnist praised by Pulitzer board for 'clarity of vision' didn't foresee global food shortages that resulted from the realities of his vision.

Harry Smith Says Tax Refunds Are 'Too Much'

'The Early Show' host 'stunned' by average refunds while financial expert explains rebates and refunds and encourages financial responsibility.

NY Times Praises Soros as 'Prophet'

Profile downplays far-left philosophies and praises his unreliable predictions of economic turmoil.

Wash. Post Editor Says He Can't See a Time When There Won't Be a Print Edition

Sixteen-year veteran editor Leonard Downie admits he is concerned about the future for mid-size market papers.

'Nightly News' Joins Anti-Wal-Mart Groups in Airing Embarrassing Video

CNBC reporter admits network is purchasing footage from Wal-Mart executive meetings that anti-Wal-Mart groups are also planning to exploit.

NBC's Lauer Speaks Out for American Airlines

'Today' show finally reports the real cause of canceled flights: The FAA

'Today' Incites More Alarm over Water Bottles - Even Reusable Ones

Segment's medical expert warns against use of plastic bottles made with traces of Bisphenol-A, despite having a long track record of being safe.

'Today' Jokes About 'Eco-Mom' Hypocrisy

NBC morning show glosses over shortcomings of fad environmentalism.

Media Pile on Airlines over 'Safety Concerns'

Network news shows finally get on board with criticism of Federal Aviation Administration.

Washington Examiner CEO: Free Content Key to Newspaper Success

Michael Phelps advocates editorial posture 'slightly right of center' and 'pro-business.'
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