
'Today' Sends Mixed Signals on Markets

NBC co-host makes Great Depression comparison while CNBC contributors caution against panic.

CBS Guest: Taxpayer-Funded Bailout Needed So Taxes Can Be Collected Later

Economist Mark Zandi tells 'The Early Show' things bound to get worse, but has a backwards solution.

Not Just Recession, Clinton Appointee Talking 'Depression'

Former Labor Secretary Reich: 'I Think There's a 20 Percent Chance of a Depression'

'Evening News' Takes EPA to Task on CO2, Claims Supreme Court Gave an Order

CBS segment bashes agency for not being more aggressive in policing carbon in the wake of congressional hearing.

NY Times Reporter Wants Even More Global Warming Coverage

Revkin advocates less command-and-control from government and says more should be done to address energy 'difficulties.'

NBC: Cap-and-Trade System Would Magically Make Unaffordable Energy Affordable

'Nightly News' praises carbon-free solar energy plant, and says government regulation needed to make it more affordable.

Here They Go A-Whoring: Media Pander Prostitutes, Pimps

ABC's World News is the first to go beyond titillation stories to report painful facts about the sex trade.

Foreclosure Filings Drop Month-to-Month, So Burnett Reports Year-over-Year Increase

CNBC contributor emphasizes disappointing foreclosure numbers but ignores decrease highlighted by reporting group.

ElectionWatch: Clinton's Rate Foreclosure Freeze Could Cause 'Chaos'

Media gloss over details and effects of liberal candidates' proposed mortgage bailouts.

Bolton: 'No Doubt' North Korea Would Try To Sell Nuke To Al-Qaida

Former U.N. ambassador faults 'lure of Chinese market' for U.S. not being tougher with China on Korean issue.
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