
Defining 'Fair Share,' Green Candidate Calls for Higher Taxes on Rich

Green Party member asserts millionaires should put up with paying half their income in taxes.

Caruso Cabrera Decries G20's Attack on Tax Havens: 'Leave Liechtenstein Alone!'

CNBC 'Power Lunch' co-host notes how tax competition is important; elimination of tax havens would benefit brutal dictatorial regimes.

Newt on G20 Protests: 'The Media is Always Happy to Cover the Anarchic and Violent Left'

Former House Speaker criticizes press for giving more attention to London G20 protests and ignoring bigger taxpayer tea party protests.

Enviro-Elmo Gives Green Gospel to Terrible Twos

Sesame Street: 'green' indoctrination for the pre-school set.

FNC's Napolitano Claims Bush Administration Committed 'Extortion' Against Banks

Senior judicial analyst details how lenders forced to accept TARP funds under threat of FDIC audit.

Fellow Travelers: Socialist Leader Finds Common Ground with Obama

George Papandreou tells Fox Biz: World needs to 'collaborate,' focus on 'green economy,' and 'redistribute' wealth with global stimulus.

Liberals Complain, CNBC Caves In

Business network goes from inspiring anti-tax 'tea parties' to adding left-wingers like Dean, Huffington.

Krugman Garners Newsweek Cover for Left-Wing Criticism of Obamanomics

News magazine fawns over Nobel Prize-winning Times columnist; wonders 'what if he's right?'

Santelli vs. Huffington -- CNBC Reporter Takes on Liberal Blog Editor on Economy

Tea partier vs. champagne socialist on 'Squawk Box.'

Fox News Host Beck Slams Connecticut AG: 'You are an Insult to George Washington'

Attorney General Richard Blumenthal admits bonuses are not against the law, but 'should be.'
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