
Olbermann Omits Key Points from CAP Report to Bash GOP Senator

'Countdown' host accuses Oklahoma Sen. James Inhofe of ignoring parts of a left-wing think tank's study on Fairness Doctrine, but does that himself.

The Ice Age Cometh: Experts Warn of Global Cooling

'Lou Dobbs Tonight' segment dismisses manmade global warming theory -- 'effects of greenhouse gas have a small impact on climate change.'

Tennessee Sludge Spill: Government Disaster 30 Times Worse than Exxon-Valdez

Media ignore fact that New Deal utility is run by the government.

City of Madison, Wis. Eyes Draconian Zoning Ordinances to 'Adapt to Climate Change'

Liberal Wisconsin capital would limit development, tree removal, fast food restaurants and parking to promote 'sustainability.'

Kyoto Redux: Clinton Vows to Use Cabinet Position to Push for Climate Treaty

Secretary of State nominee and Senate Foreign Relations Chair both call global warming a 'security threat.'

Economic Optimism at Last -- Jack Welch Sees 'First Signs of Light'

'Cavuto on Business' mentions 'encouraging signs' about the economy.

Obamanation Meets Obama-Flation

The President-Elect's job predictions increase 64 percent. Why isn't media asking questions?

Paul 'It's Never Enough' Krugman Strikes Again

Columnist says stimulus inadequate, shouldn't have tax cuts.

CNN Offers Populist's 'Pros and Cons' Instead of Balance

'American Morning' provides one columnist's perspective of President-elect's stimulus plan.

Nobel Prize Economist: Obama's Stimulus 'Not Enough'

Joseph Stiglitz, winner of the 2001 Nobel Prize in Economic Science and most cited economist in the world, blames Republican desire tax cuts for ineffectiveness.
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