
Cramer: Social Security a Bigger Ponzi Scheme than Madoff's

CNBC's 'Mad Money' host says federal entitlement program operates in the same manner as Madoff's scam.

CNN Plays Scrooge in Credit Card Hit Piece

John Roberts and Carol Costello attack 'warm and fuzzy' ads, promote greater regulation of plastic.

Murdoch Purchase of Wall Street Journal Doesn't Look So Bad, Say Journos

Former critics say media mogul's takeover of financial publication for the best, considering newspaper business downturn.

Criticism Prompts Cramer to Defend Great Depression Reversal

Two weeks after taking 1930s comparisons off the table, 'Mad Money' host responds to BMI and others.

CNN Cries for Japanese Recession 'Orphans'

'Newsroom' segment worries about daughter of stay-at-home mom, dad who works 12-14 hour days.

UAW Gave $1 Million+ to Pro-Bailout Congressmen

Media says anti-bailout congressmen in the pockets of foreign automakers; ignores union influence on pro-bailout voters.

Media Forgets That Wall Street Rip Off Artist is BIG Democrat Donor

Like the Blagojevich scandal, few are reporting Bernard Madoff's Democratic ties.

GOP Senator Warns of 'Riots' if Automakers Are Bailed Out

Sen. Jim DeMint says unfair union influence and the bailout culture will anger many Americans.

Greenpeace Maligns Fishing Industry with Inaccurate Ad

Industry organization refutes environmental activists who claim Alaskan Pollock are being 'overfished.'

Kernen: Energy Czar Browner is 'Scary' during 'Once in a Lifetime Recession'

CNBC anchor says she could regulate emissions of 'bakeries, breweries, places of worship.'
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