
Oil Analyst Reverses Trend of High-Price Forecasts; Calls $35-40 Oil a Possibility

Cameron Hanover's Peter Beutel tells Bloomberg 'Morning Call' oil likely to fall further before bottom.

Schwarzenegger Blames Global Warming for Elongated Fire Season

California governor tells ABC's 'This Week' global warming is stretching fire season to year round.

'Good Morning America' Highlights Questionable Victoria's Secret Lawsuit

ABC report omits plaintiff's history of litigation, promotes her claim that Secret Embrace bra caused illness.

'Evening News' Bummed Over Lower Gas Prices

Segment views cheaper fuel as sign of economy in peril, obstacle to 'develop alternative sources of energy or fund green developments.'

Major Media Ignore Homosexual Hatefest in Christian Church

Gay activists disrupting a worship service by shouting Jesus is a Homo! apparently are not newsworthy.

Friedman: Let Gov't, Not Companies, Reap Carbon Tax Revenue

NY Times columnist agonizes over politicians reluctant to impose taxes that would artificially influence market behavior.

Fox Biz Anchor: Treasury's Misuse of TARP 'Outrageous'

Alexis Glick tells 'Early Show' Paulson's decision not to buy troubled assets is a 'mess' and 'does not make sense.'

'Nightly News' Pleads for Increased Welfare State

Segment blames government for not 'doing better' on heat, medical care, food for poor.

Media Have a Proposition for Calif. Churches: You're Bigots

Two days after California voters upheld man-woman marriage by voting for Prop. 8, the media stopped reporting the facts and started beating its civil rights drum.

CBS Slams Wall Street Bonuses, Stokes Class War Rhetoric

Worried bailout money may go to reward top workers, 'Early Show' story features 'unhappy' Barney Frank.
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