
ABC Cites Left-Leaning Tax Group to Endorse Obama's Plan

'World News' segment praises Democrat's proposal focused on lower and middle class families, but ignores wealth redistribution elements.

MSNBC Host Attacks Limbaugh for Questioning Powell Endorsement

'Politics of Money' anchor Brewer asks where radio host 'gets off' suggesting support for Obama is about race.

Wall Street Journal Makes Depression Comparison at FDR Memorial

Report ties 'today's anxieties' to worst financial crisis in history and calls current turmoil 'eerie echo.'

CNN: Obama's Tax Plan 'Robbing Peter and Giving to Paul'

'Your $$$$$' moderates debate over Bush tax cuts 'crashing failure' and Obama's redistributionist plan.

Trump: Pelosi Should Have Impeached Bush

Real estate mogul says price fixing like OPEC would land people in jail; praises Palin for strength on economic issues.

Obama Video Game Ads Contradict Early Rhetoric

Media ignore Democrat's flip: from telling Americans to put 'video games away' to advertising in 18 games.

CNN Glosses Over Failure of Universal Health Care

'Newsroom' reports Hawaii's 'budget ax' falls on government-run coverage, doesn't say why.

ABC Uses Obama Talking Point to Counter 'Joe the Plumber'

'World News' claims 95 percent of 'small businesses' make less than $200,000 a year, though IRS says those figures are wrong.

'World News' Rediscovers Global Warming

Despite being overshadowed by financial crisis, ABC blames 'climate change' for melting ice in Greenland.

Media Obsessed with Discrediting 'Joe the Plumber'

After taking on tax hike for $250,000+ income earners, Ohio businessman becomes subject of Obama, press criticism.
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