
Capitalism: Pronounced Dead According to CNBC Analyst

Former Bloomberg bureau chief Rob Cox blames Republicans for death of free markets.

Eco-Activist: Children Amplify Emotional Effect of Alarmist Claims

Former New York Times environmental reporter criticizes market system, lack of government heavy handedness in new book: 'Poisoned Profits.'

'Today' Has No Love for Hershey's Kisses

NBC morning show rolls out another economic indicator cheaper chocolate.

ABC Negates Optimism with Men-on-the-Street

'World News' undermines expert, showcases two ordinary people to give negative view on AIG bailout.

Chris Matthews Blames Republicans for Banking Crisis

MSNBC 'Hardball' host attacks congressman, calls Bush administration handling of crisis a 'Katrina moment.'

Networks Wrong On Global Warming Again; Arctic Ice Still There

Predictions of open water prove incorrect as 1.74 million square miles of ice survive.

Networks Help Obama Bridge Gap on Earmarks

Journalists race to 'check' Palin claims, ignore Democrats' billion dollars in earmarks.

CNBC Analysts: Wall Street Bailouts Mean 'Socialism,' 'Communists'

'Mad Money' host Cramer says government has engaged in Marxist philosophies after AIG bailout.

'Nightly News' Jabs McCain's Tech-Savvy

NBC reporter Kelly O'Donnell ignores McCain's work on Senate Commerce committee in segment similar to a recent Obama ad.

Bartiromo Blasts Regulatory Environment During Banking Crisis

CNBC 'Closing Bell' co-host says 'bureaucratic' regulations that would treat private-equity firms like a bank prevent needed investment.
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