
Schieffer: McCain Campaign 'Demeaning to Women' Because No Palin Press Conferences

CBS 'Face the Nation' anchor and presidential debate moderator criticizes evolution of blogs and their effect on media business, citing Palin pregnancy rumors.

CNBC's Harwood: Banking Crisis Helps Democrats

Washington correspondent tells viewers banking events put focus on economy and 'not lipstick on a pig or the whole range of culture issues.'

CNBC Reporters Draw 'Scary' Comparisons between Lehman, Bear Stearns

Journalists compare 'incredibly responsible' reporting of 'feckless' Bear Sterns with 'feckless' Lehman Brothers.

NBC Features Retired Businessman Striving to Fix Urban Schools

'Nightly News' segment highlights billionaire philanthropist who has donated time and money to improving education.

Cramer: 'Dysfunctional' Banking System Puts U.S. 'Totally' at Risk of 'Great Depression No. 2'

CNBC host promotes taxpayer-funded federal bailout and Fed interest rate cut to stem financial problems.

CNBC: Dems Will Exploit Sex Scandal to Stop Oil Drilling

Media editor predicts Obama will use Interior Department scandal to prevent opening off-limits federal land for energy exploration.

ABC Highlights 'Anything but Helpful' Government Healthcare 'Mess'

'Good Morning America' reports on faulty Medicare hotline.

'Evening News' Spouts Old Attack on Bottled Water, Endorses Regulation

One-sided CBS report prefers tap, showers scrutiny on plastic containers and leaves out industry reps.

MRC's Tribute to the Media for 9/11 Coverage

On September 11, 2001, the news media did themselves proud in their coverage of the attack on America.

Energy Analyst Forecasts $300 Oil by 2015

Weeden & Co. expert says OPEC production cuts will send prices soaring.
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