
Not Green: NBC Beijing Olympic Set Air Conditioned -- Outdoors

'Green is Universal' network that dimmed set to push eco-programming gives cold shoulder to Chinese weather.

CNBC Anchor: Obama Relies on 'The Almighty Ronald Reagan' about Taxes

Caruso-Cabrera knocks Democratic campaign for 'dump(ing) all over the Republicans,' but citing GOP president to support economic plans.

Ellen to Wed Portia; What about DOMA?

The Hollywood same-sex nuptials give the media a tremendous opportunity to address the issue of same-sex 'marriage,' the Defense of Marriage Act and Democratic support of California's gay marriage ...

CNBC Anchor Ask Obama Advisor 'What Would Milton (Friedman) Do?'

Obama advisor who teaches where Friedman one taught attempts to defend raising taxes on 'Squawk Box.'

ABC's Gibson Guilts Exxon CEO

'World News' anchor ignores business principles, presses Rex Tillerson on 'why people are fed up, angry, indeed disgusted with the oil companies.'

CNN: Plastic Surgery Under the Knife Because of Economy

'American Morning' warns economic downturn has led to decline of cosmetic procedures.

Network News Barely Considers Nuclear Option

Media outlets mostly ignore easy energy solution even when brought up by candidates, despite the nation's urgent power needs.

McGovern Criticizes News 'Saturation' of Democratic Primary

Former presidential candidate says increasing media competition bad for politics; calls Iraq war 'as popular as AIDS.'

FCC Commissioner: Return of Fairness Doctrine Could Control Web Content

McDowell warns reinstated powers could play in net neutrality debate, lead to government requiring balance on Web sites.

Post Drills Holes in Arguments Against Offshore Oil

Editorial tackles three 'myths' used by groups like NRDC to oppose American energy.
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