
Only 25 Percent See Global Warming Threat

ABC poll finds few Americans see climate change as environment's biggest threat, more trust business than government to address problems.

Pence: Republican Protesters 'Don't Need' 'Mainstream Media'

Congressmen dismiss necessity of network TV coverage; call on McCain to help drilling cause.

'Evening News' Declares Imminent Death of Suburbia

Segment repeats 15-year-old claims by doom-and-gloom author who wrongly predicted Dow crash, Y2K disasters.

Olbermann, Post Columnist Mock GOP House Energy Protest

MSNBC host and guest dismiss possibility that challenge to congressional inaction could impact oil prices.

CBS Morning Show Links Foreclosures to West Nile Virus

'Early Show' says abandoned homes with neglected pools may be 'breeding ground' for disease-carrying mosquitoes.

MSNBC Host Says McCain Joke 'Perpetuates' Energy Problems

Witt defends Obama's exaggeration on saving gas, encourages McCain to 'leave it alone.'

NBC Reverses on GM Due to Success in China

Network praises American manufacturer's sales in China, ignores previous criticism of carmaker over global warming.

Possible VP Pick Pawlenty: Per Mile Tax Might Replace Gas Tax

Minnesota governor expresses concerns over diminishing revenue and sees tracking travel as possible solution.

CNN, Time Give Traction to Obama's Tire Exaggeration

Journalists use stretched data and low oil estimates in defense of Democratic presidential candidate's air pressure substitute for drilling.

Oil War: The Media Crusade

Broadcast journalists have attacked oil industry for years over 'mind-boggling' profits, wanting to expand drilling and for funding global warming 'contrarians.'
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