
'Nightly News' Finds Green Lining in High Gas Price Cloud

NBC reporter promotes high gas prices as a positive because they are forcing Americans to find ways to curb greenhouse gas emissions.

Senator Calls Fannie/Freddie Bailout GOP 'Socialism'

Sen. Jim Bunning labels Bear Stearns rescue 'amateur socialism' compared to latest government move.

Former Shell CEO Blasts Government for Restricting Free Market

John Hofmeister tells CNBC short-term vision on energy from Washington leaders is costing Americans.

Media Feed Hysteria over Indymac Failure

ABC and CBS play up run on the bank, warning of more closings.

CNN: Want a Balanced Budget? No Tax Cuts for You!

'Your $$$$$' puts McCain's promises under the microscope, while glossing over Obama's.

Barney Frank Opposes Offshore Drilling For Fishing Industry

Connecticut congressman tells CNBC oil exploration would harm integral part of his district's economy, but ignores economic boost drilling provides in Louisiana.

'Nightly News' Attacks Budweiser/InBev Merger

Segment highlights negative aspect of deal without mentioning positives.

Dodd Defends Sweetheart Countrywide Mortgage Deal

Connecticut senator tells CNBC's 'Squawk Box' special treatment is a 'non-issue.'

ABC: Bank Failure Evokes 'People Stuffing Their Mattresses' Like the Depression

ABC, NBC morning shows give some perspective but still feed hysteria on bank closing.

Energy Expert: Poverty Stricken Don't 'Give a Damn' About Warming

Left-wing conference hears that without prosperity people won't try to fix climate; promotes government mandate for flex-fuel cars.
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