
'Nightly News' Calls Cuban Defections a 'Setback'

Segment about Cuban circus romanticizes life under authoritarian socialist rule.

'Big Oil' Faces 'the Same Game Plan that Brought Down Big Tobacco'

Lawyer that sued the tobacco industry in the 1990s now suing energy industry for causing climate change, according to Atlantic Monthly.

WSJ Washington Editor: Network Newscasts 'Don't Matter Anymore'

ABC, CBS and NBC nighttime reports less important to political news cycle.

ABC Anchors Bike to Work, Man Sings Protest Song about Gas Prices

'Good Morning America' report features individual who saved an average of $7 a day riding a bicycle and protestor singing on the roof of a gas station to respond to prices.

'Evening News:' High Gas Prices Leaving Little Girls 'High and Dry'

CBS correspondent reports higher fuel prices forcing municipal government cutbacks, including access to city swimming pools.

Media Follow Gay Script on Marriage Ruling

News coverage celebrates the California Supreme Court's creation of a new 'right,' but ignores the moral concerns and the infringement on the public's right to self-government.

Senators Warn Bill Could Spike Gas $1.50 to $5 a Gallon

Inhofe, Sessions blast massive costs of global warming legislation.

Lauer Prosecutes 'The People vs. Exxon' in CEO Interview

'Today' host repeats popular but faulty criticisms of oil companies in one-on-one with ExxonMobil head.

Media Make Economic Storms Out of Silver Linings

Reports of stronger economy get spun as negative.

CNN Contributor Calls Obama's $150 Billion Energy Proposal 'Valuable'

AOL Money Coach's answer to high gas prices: Obama proposal matched with 'legislation to force the use of alternative energy.'
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