
ABC, CBS Ignores Zero Deaths, Fewer Airline Crashes

Only NBC reports on zero-fatality year for air travel industry after the three networks pound airlines for delays and higher fares.

When Media Aren't Ignoring Controversial Evolution Movie, Expelled, They're Hostile

New York Times, Washington Post, and Los Angeles Times discussed Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth at least three dozen times before the documentary was released. Ben Stein's Expelled? Two mentions.

'World News' Reports Only Opposition to Airline Merger

ABC excludes several key senators' support for Delta/Northwest merger in report about government hurdles.

CBS Embraces Left-Wing Talking Points When Following Taxpayers' Money

'Evening News' commemorates Tax Day 2008 de-emphasizing entitlements, calling some spending of taxpayer money 'relative bargains.'

ElectionWatch: NBC on McCain's Proposed Tax Cuts: It 'Doesn't Add Up'

'Nightly News' finds everything wrong with the presumptive GOP nominee's economic plan and nothing right.

Vieira Asks Another Airline CEO for Impossible 'Guarantee'

'Today' co-host asks for a guarantee Delta Air Lines would not raise fares or reduce services in wake of airline merger.

ElectionWatch: Krugman Recycles Story His Own Paper Debunked; Then Apologizes

Liberal columnist repeated a disproved Clinton talking point to promote the need for socialized medicine five days after his own newspaper disproved it.

Networks Report Zero Upside to Delta/Northwest Merger

Evening news shows ignore positives of industry consolidation for consumers and improvements in long-term stability of the industry.

CNN Shows a Better Way to Handle Potential Foreclosure

'Issue #1' segment a sharp contrast to April 3 'World News' report on how to cheat on your mortgage.

Former CBS Anchor Blames Deregulation for Deterioration of TV News

Roger Mudd claims TV has become too dependent on pictures and has very little optimism for the future of TV news.
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