
Burnett Ignores Ethanol's Role in Higher Food Prices

CNBC contributor blames 'energy prices and a weak dollar' for food inflation but neglects consequences of federal fuel mandates.

First Bottled Water, Now Tap - Networks Sound Alarm about Drinking Water

Network news broadcasts report scare about 'unclear' risks posed by traces of pharmaceuticals in drinking water.

Washington Post Fans the Flames of Climate Change Alarmism

Story cites report that states carbon output must be 'near zero to avert danger' without including a challenge to that claim.

News Spitzer Might Resign Met with Cheers on NYSE Floor

CNBC reports scandal greeted with ovation on Wall Street.

'Evening News' Plays Race Card on Home Loans

CBS suggests race was a factor in $300 delinquency surcharge in subprime hardship story.

'Nightly News' Takes Populist Tone on Student Loans

NBC urges federal involvement instead of personal responsibility, ignores government role in rising tuition.

Burnett Quadruples Foreclosure Statistics

Reporter says 8 percent of homes are in foreclosure, when it was actually 2 percent for the fourth quarter of 2007.

Advantage for Hillary? Carville Wants Primaries, Not Caucuses Due to 'Subprime Crisis'

Clinton advisor uses 'idiotic economic policies' as rationale to support vote most favorable to former first lady.

Finding a Gas Station with the Highest Price

Prices onscreen continue to be higher than the national average for gas.

Eco-Groups Could Kill Kosovo Economy Before It Grows

'Biggest enemies of the poor' might seek to shut down new nation's mining lifeline.
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