
Obama Ponzi Scheme: Forbes Calls Obama Administration Worse than Madoff

'Forbes on FOX' guests asked if Madoff's Ponzi scheme or Obama's spending plan will cause more economic damage.

Santelli: AIG Bonuses Only Millions, Let's Focus on Billions and Trillions

Outspoken CNBC Chicago floor reporter questions populist, political outrage over $165 million bonus paid to bailed out executives.

CNBC Asia Guest Host: U.S. Treasury is 'Wasting Money' with Bailouts

Kirby Daley says nationalize financial institutions or let them fail; calls AIG outrage 'populist campaign-like rhetoric.'

Dear Wall Street Journal: CEO Pay Caps are Micromanagement

How is dictating pay structure for executives not government interference?

'Daily Show' Host Stewart Blasts CNBC as 'Disingenuous at Best and Criminal at Worst'

'Mad Money' host Jim Cramer apologizes for not doing a better job as comedy's 'snake oil salesman' takes him to task for his coverage.

Former Congressman Calls for Investigation of CNBC's Jim Cramer

Tom Davis, who chaired House Government Reform Committee, tells CNN Cramer's activities are 'something somebody ought to be looking at.'

'Nightly News' Perplexed by TARP-Recipients Lending to Foreign Countries

NBC correspondent Lisa Myers investigates banking titans that made overseas loans in wake of congressional hearing.

Famed Hurricane Forecaster William Gray Rips AMS, NASA's Hansen

Expert criticizes American Meteorological Society for awarding global warming alarmist the organization's highest honor.

Like a Mama Bear, Networks Protect Obama from His Down Market

Stock market reports ignore president's influence or defend him against criticism, but gave credit for March 4, Election rallies.

MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell Pleads 'Guilty' to Barney Frank for Media Scrutiny of Obama Appointees

Network's chief foreign affairs correspondent says culture of 'gotcha' is 'completely out of control.'
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