
CBS Keeps Misleading Viewers on Millions of Uninsured

'Evening News' cites flawed data to promote President Obama's 'action' on health care.

Princeton Physicist Tells Congress Earth in 'CO2 Famine' -- Increase 'Will Be Good for Mankind'

Dr. Will Happer, once fired by Al Gore, challenges former vice president's much-published claim that warming debate over.

Nationalization: It's Not Just for Communists Anymore

It used to be synonymous with authoritarian regimes, now politicians threaten it and media call it a 'necessary evil.'

NBC Slams Northern Trust Bank for PGA Related Events

"Today Show" attempts to smear company for events that were not paid for by tax dollars.

Dear Boston Globe: Rickshaws Create Jobs Too

Mass transit is the wrong place to look for job creation.

How Many Jobs Saved? Economist Discredits Obama's Predictions

Economist Ben Stein disses econometrics; reminds 'we don't know a great deal' about how economy will respond to stimulus.

CBS Anti-Tax Haven Segment Omits Reason for Their Purpose: High U.S. Taxes

An 'Evening News' in-depth look at tax shelters ignores that punitive U.S. taxes forces these operations offshore to conduct business in those locations.

Washington Post Misses Irony of Showing Climate Change as a Roulette Wheel

Another biased story about another alarmist warming 'model.'

Santelli: Get the Government Out of the Banking System

Now-famous Chicago exchange floor reporter says state intervention in banking system is a drag on taxpayer money.

Clyburn: Stimulus Refusal 'A Slap in the Face' to Blacks, Even if Unintentional

House Majority Whip alleges 'a colored thread that ran through' the governors refusing stimulus money.
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