
EPA 'Cow Tax' Could Charge $175 per Dairy Cow to Curb Greenhouse Gases

Farm Bureau warns just this one rule may increase milk production costs up to 8 cents a gallon.

GMAC Continues Sponsorship of Bowl Game Despite $5 Billion Taxpayer Bailout

Auto lender maintains naming rights to annual New Year's sporting event with reported price tag of $500k.

Time's Economic Blame Points in Only One Direction

Magazine says free market, GOP responsible for financial crisis.

2008 Was Rough for Traditional Media

Newspaper companies lost $64B overall and print ownership continues to drag down stock prices across business models.

A Tale of Two Tax Cuts: Obama's Will Save Economy, Bush's for the 'Wealthiest'

'Nightly News' considers tax cuts an integral part of the Obama 'massive economic recovery plan,' ignores how rollback of Bush tax cuts would affect economy.

Dear NY Times: Was Keynes Right About Excessive Savings?

According to The Times' favorite economist, savings is the problem.

'World News' Ultimate Financial Hardship: Selling Your Body for Medical Science

For ABC, drug trials replace bread lines as signs of 'tough times.'

CNN Meteorologist: Manmade Global Warming Theory 'Arrogant'

Network's second meteorologist to challenge notion man can alter climate.

Maddow Frustrated by Lower Goldman Sachs Tax Rate, Despite Losses

MSNBC host accuses investment bank of hiding money offshore to get 1 percent tax rate.

'Nightly News' Pushes Auto Bailout in Madoff Scandal Coverage

CNBC correspondent Trish Regan points out alleged Madoff $50 billion Ponzi scheme is 'twice the amount of money the auto companies are asking Congress for.'
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