
Early Thanksgiving: Gas Goes Below $2 a Gallon

Price of unleaded drops more than 50 percent in just four months.

Stanford Prof.: U.S. 'Not in Anything Resembling' Great Depression

David M. Kennedy tells Bloomberg there are 'consequences' to protectionism.

NBC's Curry Climbs 'Poster-Child' for Climate Change

'Today' show anchor misleads viewers about declining Mt. Kilimanjaro ice during network's 'green' week.

Former Fed Bank President Warns More Regulation Will Have Consequences

William Poole explains overreaching regulation will drive some financial instruments underground.

Former McCain Adviser Admits Bailout Support a Strategic Blunder

Douglas Holtz-Eakin says backing the taxpayer rescue of business was out-of-character for GOP presidential nominee.

Network Shows May Add Global Warming Propaganda

Systematic green indoctrination ready for primetime, and that's O.K. with Reuters.

Inhofe: Paulson Used Scare Tactics to Force Bailout Legislation

Oklahoma senator reveals details of conference call and is set to push legislation to make bailout spending transparent.

Washington Post Columnist Calls for 'Big Honking' Gas Tax

Allan Sloan calls a massive federal tax a 'market' solution to energy concerns. Writer Calls Potential GM Bankruptcy 'A Suicidal Thing'

'Your $$$$$' considers the pros and cons of an auto bailout but ignores some causes of GM's near bankruptcy.

Controversial Obama Associate Ayers on Education: 'Throw Money at the Problem'

University of Chicago professor tells D.C. audience money for schools should be part of the 'Green New Deal.'
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