
USA Today Plays Up 'Gloomy' Attitudes with Depression Comparison

Newspaper reports poll showing 33 percent say U.S. economy is in Depression.

'Your $$$$$' Squabble: Experts Argue over 'Socialist' Bailout

Peter Schiff blasts government for intervening in markets and argues against bailout while Stephen Leeb promotes Congressional plan.

Senate Majority Whip Blames Greenspan for Economic Crisis

Sen. Durbin claims former Fed chief's support of Bush tax cuts and unwillingness to use regulatory authority are causes of troubled economy.

Stephanopoulos Wonders: Did McCain Blow Up Bailout for Credit?

Media join Democrats to question GOP nominee's motives in suspending campaign to focus on financial issues.

Lauer Asks if Foreclosure Buyers Tempting 'Bad Karma'

'Today' host uses advice segment to question whether homebuyers are tempting fate with 'misfortune' of others.

Bloomberg Analyst: $700 Billion Bailout Could Balloon to $5 Trillion

Marc Faber Ltd. director calls initial cost estimates a 'drop in the bucket,' says real solution is to bring down overleveraging.

CNBC: Congressional Republicans 'Hate Wall Street'

Correspondent says conservative resistance to bailout plan is partially over campaign contributions to Democrats.

Cramer Calls for a Global Bailout of AIG, Blames European Banks

CNBC host says Bush needs to 'pass the hat' to other nations to salvage 'fate of the western banks.'

Cramer Predicts 2,000-Point Dow Drop if Bailout Not Passed

'Mad Money' host tells Bernanke and Paulson to dumb down rhetoric or it's 'Great Depression Part 2.'

Brokaw Presents Economic Worst-Case Scenario to Bill Gates

Former 'Nightly News' anchor asks about Great Depression worries; Microsoft's technology titan remains positive about the U.S economy.
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